Mattia Ballestrazzi
Just confirm this location.
The location of these patches might be off for a couple of hundred meters, in the streets nearby. If you know them, please send the coordinates to
Mattia Ballestrazzi
Thanks to Julita and her friends, for this contribution from Warsaw!
Please check out her website (in polish) if you are interested in finding reviews of arts, design and handcraft in Warsaw
Jonathan and his Son titled these images “Yoda’s secret Jedi training center”
Mante Jaruseviciute.
Danny from Tainan did about twenty Patches so far with his friend during this winter vacation!
Fish McGill & Dave Tolmie in Boston!
Many thanks to Dina, Isaac, Aryn and the many little helpers who did this cute patch just outside of Marrakech. The clay brick wall adds a new flavour to this websites architectural diversity!
If you want to read more about Dina’s experiences check out her writings here.
Eunmi Kim, a member of „The Korea Arts and Culture Education Service KACES“ introduced the repairs to her neighborhood. She then sent me the pictures saying that „it was really fun and people who participated got to have a great relationship together.“
She further informed me about their organisation, which „seeks to foster creative talent to ensure cultural welfare fort he public […] by creating an environment where arts and culture education can be embedded in our daily lives. Creating a living cultural community os one oft he various projects that KACES supports. The projects aim to utilize arts and culture as means to support residential communities by indentifying and resolving regional/public issues based on common visions and values.
Through Dispatchwork, residents will be able to look around their neighborhoods and fill in gaps, providing the opportunity to understand the significance and experience of the joy of participating in community activities!“
Please find more info on their blog: (Korean)
Thanks to Emily for this contribution in Troy.
Caio Nakagawa, Caio Briz, Douglas Iseri, Michel Chain, Natalia Duzzi, Renata Picolo
Dispatchwork in Basel, during the various Art-fairs. These two young guys were easily seduced into taking part in their city´s art-life. I like how they use their four hands altogether to put up the brickwork.
Thanks to Marieke for these patches, supposedly somewhere in the city center of Auckland.
Thanks to Martin for this little corner!
Tanya and her friend upgraded this wall Kiev. They found a very nice spot. Material donations are accepted to fix the entire corner
Lea and Pamela have taken action and add this delicious contribution in the capital of the Lebanon!
With a community of University-students, Subin ventured out in the streets to upgrade Seoul. They found this lone-standing wall which needed a fix.