Museumsstraße 3, Bingen

For that years edition of the sculpture Triennal in Bingen named Nature and Beauty I was invited by Andre Odier, Lutz Driever and the Gerda and Kuno Pieroth Foundation. In the Landesgartenschaugelände along the magnificent rhine river valley many  bronze sculptures and kinetic installations can be visited. Thanks for this magnificent stay!


Ulitsa Metohia, Sofia


We went to a neighbourhood called Fakultete. Here you find none of Sofia’s historical buildings but beautifully self-crafted homes. Like a different city, maybe a whole different country, and, with horse-carriages passing by, also a different time.

Within a couple of minutes after having started, all the kids of the neighbourhood took notice of us and joined. 


Sofia SofiaSofiaSofiaSofiaSofiaSofiaSofiaSofiaSofiaSofiaSofia

Ulitsa Parizh, Sofia

Sofia SofiaSofiaSofia

A question I get asked frequently is if I know who takes the patches out. I have multiple of these people on tape, and you would probably be surprised on who these people would be. This security guard from across the street ISN’T one of them. When I left he crossed the street and took the patch out on curiosity. I approached him and took the picture because I was amused about his initiative to leave his post and check out my work.


Church St. George Rotunda, Sofia

The city now called Sofia was established in 5 BC or earlier, under the name of Serdica and gained much importance over the centuries due to its central positioning in the balkan region. Over the course of time it was under the reign of the Romans, the Ottomans, the Huns,… just to name a few.

This is the Church of St. George, build by the Romans in the 4th century. There had been some debate on social media about whether or not this was disrespectful towards the believers. The priest however just walked by us as we were in full action and didn’t mind.

Place de la Cathédrale, Lausanne

Every year there are many interesting live acts and remarkable bands to come play their songs for the Festival de la cité in Lausanne. That one year, the they invited me to come play with them. Unfortunately my camera broke, but thanks to all the photographers who let me use their images here!

Photos: Olivier Wavre

©© www.wavre.chwavre

Fotos: Loic Chaussin

Loic Chaussin Loic Chaussin Loic ChaussinLoic Chaussin

UN Buffer Zone, Nikosia


I didn’t grasp the full impact of the ’74 Turkish invasion in the north of this island in the eastern mediterrenean. Cyprus has been divided since between a government-controlled area, comprising the southern two-thirds of the island, and a north third de facto administered by the Turkish. No country recognizes the “Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus” other than Turkey.  Around the city center, lays a starshaped citadel. Inside it is divided by these walls:

Tabakfabrik, Linz


I was invited by Platform21, with Arne Hendriks, Lotte Dekker, Heleen Klopper, Martijn Dijkhuizen to the 2010 edition of the Ars Electronica festival in Linz around the topic of ‘Repair’

The Ars Electronica festival is one of the oldest and biggest festivals for new media Art, so  imagine how happy I was to take part and have a close look!

The festivals location, an old Tobacco-factory, has a size of more than 30000 sqm and was constructed by Popp and Behrens in 1935 and is protected world heritage.

LinzLinz Linz

LinzLinz Linz LinzLinz Linz Linzz

Rue du Chevaleret, Paris

After the first patch I realized that I wouldn’t be able to live up to the full potential of these walls, so I sougt help from my cousins and some inspired passersby. We still didn’t manage to finish the whole wall. A friend of mine works in the Collège Guy Moquet de Gennevilliers and I didn’t need to convince her much to drop by with her pupils.

Rue du Chevalret, Paris

After the first patch I realized that I wouldn’t be able to live up to the full potential of these walls, so I sougt help from my cousins and some inspired passersby.  A friend of mine works in the Collège Guy Moquet de Gennevilliers and I didn’t need to convince her much to drop by with her 24 students to help me fix up the walls.



Rue du Chevaleret / Rue Charcot, Paris

The Nuit Blanche is a huge art-event which the city of Paris organizes each year. The whole night through, from 7pm to 7am, everyone is invited to discover events throughout the city and to follow a parcour connecting the different events in all parts of paris.  Thousands of parisians came to the streets, and also the Paris mayor herself was expected to visit and shake hands.  (Nuit Blanche de Paris)

And I was invited to install Dispatchwork in the 13th arrondissment, where I met a wall, which could hold three big patches easily. So in the course of the next three days me and helpers erected these patches within the parcour of nuit blanche in rue Chevalret. Each of these three patches took us around 9 hours to set up, and us working basically from dusk till dawn.


Alter Markt, Arnsberg

I was invited to the city of Arnsberg to contribute to their event called Internationaler Kunstsommer Arnsberg. Many things are there to be seen, with one of the best Kunstvereine Arnsberg is a very busy place, and is definitely worth a travel. For both the medieval appeal of the old part of town and for the involvement in contemporary art! Many thanks to Andrea and Johannes Teiser for their great hospitality!
